Thursday, August 9, 2007

Set it up!

What's going on with The WoW Factor? ...Lots!
We are woking on the website (should be done by the 1st of Nov. ...let's hope!). We have 2 new permenant staff members! Jessica Prendiz and Jamie Vargas ...both activly splitting the duties of Regional Director! WOOHOO! We are doing lots of stuff behind the scenes to get things all set up so when the website gets done we will be ready to take off! We will begin gearing up for the 2007-2008 school year! We have some great necklaces and tshirts we are getting ready to be available! Log onto paypal and put in our company email ( and put down $25 to get yourself a shirt! They're great! Once the site is done and we get ourselves out there to a few vendors we have got some great things in store! Gearing up for some beauty seminars/conferences and a company launch in 2008! Things are getting more and more exciting around here....stay tuned for more info on this new and upcoming company to hit your area!